Thursday, May 20, 2010


We or rather our society is not accustomed to giving appreciation...maybe it has got to do with our upringing, culture, education or just our innersense of being preoccupied with 'receiving' rather than 'giving'...

Little gestures like saying thank you,congratulations, a congralutory sms, a greeting card or even a pat on the back do wonders to the receiving ends.

Why don't we start from home with our kids to say...thank you Ibu, thank you Abang,thank you Bibik, congratulations Angah...good Maisarah, very good Anis, excellent Abang Chik and all the superlatives...

Why don't we encourage our preschool kids to say thank you Teacher, thank you Friends, congratulations Adam...good Ashraf,very good Ilham, excellent Shafiq and all the synonyms...

In order it to be bold, spontaneous yet must come from the heart...

....the greatest appreciation of all is to the Almighty,the Most Merciful...
Alhamdulillah...thank you Allah...thank you Allah...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Semalam hari guru...16 mei 2010..jatuh pada hari Ahad.Asyiknya menonton program Nasi Lemak Kopi O masa Aziz Desa dok interview guru BM & Maths kepada Yang Berhormat Dato' Seri Mohd. Najib dizaman persekolahan beliau.Katanya, masa di sekolah PM memang seorang yang berwibawa, segak, bersih, tampan, bijak, pandai( semua subjek skor A )Agak la... orangnya tak suka buat bising, tak merapu tak tentu pasal, dan tak buat benda2 yg cikgu tak suka.No wonderlah beliau jadi pemimpin negara sekarang ni.Bagaimana agaknya cara didikan ibubapanya.....PM ke-2 dan ibunya Pn. Rahah?

Hari ini Isnin 17 Mei 2010.Selalunya, meja penuh dgn kad2 ucapan untuk guru.Tahun ni?...Mereka tlh lupa...Tahun2 sebelumnya sempena Hari Guru cikgu akan mengingatkan anak muridnya untuk buat kad dan hanya kad(bukan beli) untuk gurunya dgn niat untuk mendidik bebudak ni agar tahu menghargai jasa guru.Dengan hasrat biarlah besar nanti akan tahu menghargai jasa sesiapa yg tlh menolong mereka ; Ibu, Bapa, Guru, Kawan2 dsbnya.Bukanlah harapan untuk mendapat imbuhan tapi hanya secebis penghargaan


Terimakasih itu tiada erti jika diberi tanpa rela hati.
Terimakasih itu penuh erti jika diekspresi sepenuh hati.
Sesingkat itu perkataannya, semudah itu sebutannya,
tetapi kenapa ramai yg tidak memberi tetapi hanya menanti.

Kita suka dipuji, mengharap dihargai tapi mengucapkannya seperti tak sudi.
Ya...Kita tidak dididik begitu.Salahkan saja nenek moyangku...

Ahh!! Usah lagi dipersalahkan sesiapa.Marilah kita bersama mendidik anak2 ini agar tahu menghargai.Ucapkan terimakasih itu sempena Hari Guru dan dimana-mana perlu.Mudah! Tapi ramai yg tak tahu......

NOTA "kepada yg ikhlas mengucapkan 'itu'...ini bukan untuk kamu.Terimakasih.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


· Menyedari hakikat bahawa pembangunan modal insan haruslah bermula di peringkat asas iaitu prasekolah (3-6 tahun), saya mahu berkongsi pengalaman, pengetahuan dan menyemarakkan ilmutadika .

· Menyahut seruan Yang Berhormat Menteri Pendidikan untuk menggalakkan penubuhan lebih banyak institusi tadika swasta bukan saja di kawasan bandar bahkan di luar bandar.

· Berkongsi maklumat, pendapat dan ilmu pengetahuan berhubungkait dengan pengajaran dan pembelajaran prasekolah bagi faedah bersama.

· Menggalakkan penglibatan ibubapa yang bersungguh-sungguh dari peringkat asas pembelajaran anak-anak.

· Menyedari dan memahami apa-apa perubahan yang berlaku di bidang prasekolah dan pelan tindakan yang diperlukan bagi menangani perubahan tersebut.

· Menyemarakkan budaya membaca dan menambahkan ilmu di kalangan masyarakat.

· Menggalakkan para graduan untuk menceburi bidang ini yang bukan sahaja sebagai sumber ekonomi bahkan manafaatnya dapat ilmutadika untuk mendidik anak-anak sendiri.

· Sebagai ibadah menyemarakkan ilmu fardhu kifayah sesama ummah.

· Pendidikan yang sempurna amat penting bagi meningkatkan ekonomi dan taraf hidup.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

WHAT KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS WISH PARENTS KNEW Steven Hicks ( an educator for 17 years and kindergarten teacher for the past decade.)Here are what he and all the kindergarten teachers want parents to know:

1. Your job is not over when you drop your little one off at school, it has only begun. We want to be your partner. Keep us informed about what goes on at home that might affect your child's behaviour or academic performance. Share with us what we do at school affects him/her at home

2. The more self-control your child has, the more successful he/she will be in school. Children need practice in deciding how and when to express their feelings and needs, and when and if to act on impulses. Help him/her develop and practice these skills at home before he/she tests them at school, where the consequences are a loss of learning for him and for others.

3. We want you. Come in. Look around. Peruse the textbooks and materials. Knowledge is power. When parents know about the subjects we teach and have a common understanding for discussion. Volunteering is a wonderful way to learn about what goes on at school and to show your child how much you care about what she is doing.

4. Your child needs lots of opportunities to play outside of school. Playing both alone and in small groups helps facilitate learning and allows your child to practice skills and concepts. Activities include sand and water, empty boxes, play-dough, everyday household items, art materials and construction toys. When he/she plays, he/she makes discoveries and tries new things, solves problems, develops confidence, takes turns, shares, cooperates with others and learns to negotiate. Play also encourages self confidence and helps to develop communication skill.

5. Reading to your child once a day is not enough. Try to read together at least three times a day. When you read, talk about the book. Point out letters and words in the text and encourage him/her to recognize rhyming sounds and words and to identify beginning and ending sounds. Let him/her retell the story from the pictures.

6. Writing exploration at home is critical. Your child needs to have opportunities to use pencils , crayons, markers, coloured pencils as she attemps to express herself in written form. She begins with scribbles and lines, moves on to letters and her name, and then to words and sentences.

7. Homework is an opportunity for talking, sharing and listening. Teachers give homework to extend the learning of the classroom. It is a chance for you to find out what your child is studying and how well he is grasping the skills and concepts being taught at school. Talk with your child about his homework. It shows him that you care and value what he does at school.

8. Television and video games use up valuable playtime. Limits screen time. The hours spent with these electronic devices could otherwise be spent talking, reading, or actively learning through play.

9. First hand experiences are another teacher for your child. Take her to museums, the zoo, the aquarium, the library, parks, art performances, and geographic locations such as the mountains, beach, forests, and deserts. And do it often. She 'll grasp concepts and skills better if she has experiences with the real thing.

10. Your health habits influence your child.When you model a balanced,healthy diet and lots of exercise,your child will come to value a healthy way of living.

For many children,kindergarten is the first experience away from home.Kindergarten teachers want to partner with parents to help children become expressive,confident,curious,cooperative,competent,independent and engaged learners.This is what kindergarten teachers wish parents knew.And now you do.Thank You...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Masa ni Firdaus berumur 3 yrs 5 mths.Baru masuk tadika 5 mths dah pandai baca buku...Firdaus baca dan faham ape yg dia baca.Tadika mana tu ye?...Well..the process has actually started from home....